About Us


The department is located on the campus of the college of Health sciences.

This medical specialty encompasses care of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period and the health of the female gender. Subspecialties include Maternal-fetal Medicine, Infertility and assisted reproduction, family planning and reproductive health, Gynaecological endocrinology, Gynaecological oncology, Urogynaecology and Gynaecological endoscopy.

Our undergraduate programme is divided into two clinical postings where didactic lectures, clinical clerkship and practical sessions are offered in all the subspecialties above. Our students directly learn under supervision in the clinics, labour ward, emergency room, in-patient wards, operating theatres, clinical skills laboratory, ultrasound and fetal assessment unit.

The department has a well furnished delivery complex en-suit neonatal intensive care unit, obstetric blood bank and operating theatres.

The department will commence the M.Sc. and Ph.D programmes in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with focused specialization in the subspecialties soon.

The department is involved in clinical researches in collaboration with other fellows within and outside Nigeria, sister institutions, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital Ilorin. There are fifteen (15) clinical lecturers in the department.